Independence Forum Scotland
Uniting the independence movement
National Convention

The first of a series of one day events on Scotland’s Future will take place on Saturday 1 March 2025 at Greyfriars Charteris Centre in Edinburgh.

We’ve come to view the inaugural all-day meeting as our ‘Spring Convention’’, which is appropriate not only from a meteorological perspective, but also in the sense of being the start of a period when ideas can form, grow and develop. 

Because of space considerations at the venue, numbers will be restricted to 120, and IFS is encouraging those interested to apply as soon as possible. You can download the application form here: 

Application-Form-Individual-Participants-with-eligibility-criteria 1 March  

The purpose of the gathering is –

  • To bring people together from all over Scotland, free from party politics, to discuss matters of critical importance to the nation.
  • To identify the huge opportunities awaiting Scotland as we proceed towards self-determination.
  • To reach consensus on how we may deal with them to our advantage in an independent Scotland.
  • To identify perceived obstacles to independence and how they can be circumvented.


Mission Statement

The following draft mission statement outlines the proposed aims of our Convention:

      “Our aim is to provide a public forum which unites the whole of society with regular discussion and open debate, free from party politics, on matters of               critical importance to the nation, and with a clear focus on Scotland’s future and the achievement of meaningful self-determination.”

Those taking part in the Convention will be invited to consider this draft, with a view to arriving at a final version by the close of the inaugural meeting.

Programme for the Spring Convention

We are pleased to confirm that

  • Alastair McIntosh will give an opening address on “The Roots and Vision of a Nation”
  • Ailsa Raeburn, Community Land Scotland and Laurie Macfarlane, Future Economy Scotland will lead a session on “Scotland’s Future – Our Land”
  • Robin McAlpine, Common Weal will give a presentation on Doing Things Differently – “How Can the People Influence Risk-Averse Politicians?”
  • John Proctor and colleagues from Energy Scotland will lead a discussion session on – “Scotland’s Energy Future”.
  • John Brown and colleagues from Constitution for Scotland, Liberation Scotland and Campaign Group Respect Scottish Sovereignty will lead a discussion on – “Scotland’s Democratic Future”


The programme, current at 8th  FEBRUARY, can be found here.

Further updates on progress and our plans for summer and autumn conventions will be available on this page and through our network of member organisations.