Independence Forum Scotland
Uniting the independence movement
Membership - who should join?

IFS was formally constituted in June 2023 – you can find the constitution here.

Membership shall be open to any corporate or unincorporated body which has a clear majority of independence supporting members and which fall into the following categories.

MEMBERS: National bodies or groups, regional bodies or networks.

ASSOCIATES: National bodies or groups with some affiliation to political parties, or bodies or groups which choose not to become full members.

Application for membership
Any body which wishes to become a member must sign, and lodge with the association, at the contact address below, the written application for membership; the application will then be considered by the management committee at its next meeting.

The management committee may, at its discretion, refuse to admit any body to membership.

The management committee must notify each applicant promptly (in writing or by email) of its decision on whether or not to admit them to membership.